UPDATE: Grayson Allen has been indefinitely suspended by Duke.

Duke's Grayson Allen turned heads again Wednesday with a blatant kick that earned him a technical foul against Elon. After the dirty play, and there's no other way to describe it, he lost his marbles on the bench.

And it's not the first time "dirty play" and "Allen" have shared time in the same sentence.

Kicking Elon's Steven Santa Ana is the latest in a growing line of kicks, trips and controversial plays by the Duke star. Allen went from being known as a talented, high-energy emerging star to one of the most hated Blue Devils ever -- and that's saying something -- after two incidents in February.

Let's start our exercise with Wednesday night:

And here's where it all started, with a trip of Louisville's Ray Spalding on Feb. 8.

Weeks later, he did it again with Florida State's Xavier Rathan-Mayes the victim on Feb. 26. Duke was up 15 with only five seconds left when he committed this obvious trip.

Two months after reflecting via ESPN how ashamed he was of, and ready to move past, those incidents, Allen is back to his old antics.