Arizona State returned to its ancestral roots this week when the football team took a four-day jaunt up to Camp Tontozona in the White Mountains. The program trained there for nearly five decades before former coach Dennis Erickson pulled the plug in 2008 for a variety of reasons.

Sun Devil faithful will tell you the place forges team bonds that will aid the club as the regular season commences and progresses. Of course, there is no tangible proof of this effect over the years, and if the following three players don’t perform at a high level for the experience-poor Devils, all these kumbaya moments won’t mean a thing.

Offense: RB Cameron Marshall

Graham delivered some eerie news this week when he informed reporters that the Sun Devils would not be tackling Marshall for the rest of training camp. Graham chalked it up to fatigue, but reporters were less than convinced since Marshall played through an assortment of injuries last season, most notable an ankle on which he had surgery in the spring. With a new quarterback, new receivers and a rebuilt offensive line, ASU’s strength is its stable of running backs led by Marshall who tallied 1,050 yards and tied a school record with 18 rushing TDs. Marshall has shown an ability to play through injuries, and play well. Both are a must this season.

Defense: Linebacker Brandon Magee

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ASU lost four linebackers who ate up the majority of the snaps last season, but Magee, arguable the unit’s best player in 2010, was on the shelf with a season-ending Achilles tendon injury suffered in spring ball. His quickness, his intelligence, his reads and most of all, his magnetic personality and leadership skills will be vital to a defense that will feature at least seven new starters.

Special teams: KR/PR Jamal Miles

The Sun Devils’ 2011 kicking woes have been well chronicled. Have they been solved? That’s to be determined with Alex Garoutte back for another go-round, but with so much inexperience on offense and defense, coach Todd Graham has emphasized the need to win the special teams battle every week. Luckily, the Devils have Miles, who took three to the house last season, two on kickoffs and one on a punt. Miles averaged 26.3 yards per kickoff return, 2 TDs; 16.6 yards per punt return. More of the same, please.

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