Every Thursday evening we pick some Fantasy Baseball questions out of the mailbag, helping owners with trade offers, roster decisions and just plain chatter.

Eric, Douglassville, Pa.: I just offered the recently hot Edgar Renteria in a trade for Scott Rolen. Renteria was my backup shortstop (starting Miguel Tejada) and my starting third baseman (Adrian Beltre) has been bad. I'm hoping between these two, I'll have one good third baseman for the second half. Was this a good trade, or did I make a mistake with Rolen still hurt?

B.B.: If you don't have room for Renteria, he's obviously the shortstop you would trade. It appears Rolen could return at some point in June, so you would be getting potentially three good months from him. We don't envision Beltre suddenly turning it on in the second half, so upgrading with Rolen was a wise move.

John K, Charlotte, N.C.: I am in a 14-team Head-to-Head league and currently gracing our waiver wire, among others, are: Orlando Cabrera, Clint Barmes, Luis Castillo, Garret Anderson, Larry Walker and Dallas McPherson. A part of me feels like in a league this big, none of these names should be available. But my starting lineup includes Marcus Giles, Miguel Tejada, Hank Blalock and an outfield of Jose Guillen, Scott Podsednik, Luis E. Gonzalez and J.D. Drew (one of these is a utility). Should I pick one or more of these free agents up? I've got some bench spots to maneuver with.

B.B.: Those are some pretty impressive names on your waiver wire. Hard to believe someone can't use Walker or Anderson in their lineup in a 14-team league. McPherson is also tearing it up after a slow start. Barmes has cooled off after a red-hot start. I'd find room for Walker, Anderson or McPherson on your bench at the very least.

Chris Kimmel Shady Cove, Ore.: I drafted Adrian Beltre and up to this point he has been a bust. Should I hang on to him or try to trade him for a pitcher? I had Mark Prior as my ace, but it looks as though he might be done for the season. I have Antonio Perez right now has an option at third base.

B.B.: Beltre's value alone likely won't get you a starter capable of making a great impact on your staff. You might be able to package him with someone else on your roster to upgrade your pitching, but with his value so low right now, you might be better off just hanging on and hoping for the best.

Scott Shepherd, Attica, Ind.: I have Tyler Walker as my only other option to pick up saves behind Joe Nathan and Chad Cordero. What will the acquisition of LaTroy Hawkins by the Giants do to his Fantasy value?

B.B.: Manager Felipe Alou has gone on record as saying Walker is his closer and Hawkins is his main setup man. Considering LaTroy's struggles as a closer with the Cubs, it is hard to imagine the Giants will put him in too many save opportunities. Walker's value isn't diminished unless he struggles for an extended period.

Blake Halperin, New York, N.Y.: I am in a 10-team Head-to-Head league. With Javy Lopez's injury I am in need of a catcher. I picked up Gregg Zaun, but I was offered Roger Clemens, Mike Piazza and Phil Nevin for Jim Thome and Oliver Perez. I've been sitting on Thome and Perez for so long, is it worth giving them up at this point?

B.B.: Despite Piazza's struggles at times, you must pull the trigger on this trade. Hopefully the other owner hasn't wised up and taken the deal off the table. Nevin might wind up being a wash with Thome. Piazza is an upgrade over Zaun and Clemens and Perez shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence.

Patrick Yaple, Pittsburgh, Pa.: I have Mark Loretta on my roster. Now that he is injured, I am starting Orlando Hudson in his place. Do you think it is worth keeping him on my roster for the 8-10 weeks or just drop him? We do not have an IR, so if we have an injured player they just take up a roster spot. If I know he will be there to help me down the stretch, I'll keep him, but I'm not sure what to do. I just picked up Ryan Freel, so I have a backup to Hudson. What do you think?

B.B.: A difficult decision to be sure. If his roster spot is valuable (which it sounds like it is), your best option might be cutting him loose, follow his rehab, and if he's on the waiver wire come Aug. 1, pick him up. It's tough to justify giving up a roster spot for 8-10 weeks on a decent second baseman.

Raphael Crawford-Marks, San Francisco: Two three-player, two-slot conundrums: Craig Counsell, Craig Biggio and Edgar Renteria at 2B and SS; Eric Chavez, Nick Johnson, and Lyle Overbay at two UTL slots. Who do I start?

B.B.: While Counsell is currently hitting for the highest average of your middle infielders, we say go with Biggio and Renteria. They'll provide more punch. Johnson is a no-brainer for one of your utility spots and considering Chavez continues to scuffle, go with Overbay.

Joe Rocco, Chicago: I currently own Corey Patterson and thinking of trading up for Carlos Beltran. Beltran's owner wants two pitchers -- Oliver Perez and one of the following five: Erik Bedard, Bartolo Colon, Brad Radke, Carl Pavano, or Carlos Zambrano. Who do you recommend I give up with Perez? Or do you think the best trade is no trade?

B.B.: I'll start by saying Beltran isn't necessarily a great upgrade from Patterson, who has four more home runs and five more stolen bases right now. Beltran has also been bothered by a quad injury recently, which will also prevent him from swiping many bases. If someone wants to take Perez off your hands, now that I would recommend. Bedard is clearly the arm you should offer first if you insist on making this deal, especially considering he is currently on the DL.

Jeff Nichols, Northbridge, Ma.: Two trades in our league seemed pretty one-sided. First, a guy trades Justin Morneau, Mike Sweeney, Barry Bonds and John Garland and gets Mark Prior, Brett Myers and Todd Helton. Then, the same guy turns around and deals Helton and Scott Podsednik for Albert Pujols. So, he basically got Prior, Myers and Pujols for Morneau, Sweeney, Bonds, Garland and Podsednik. Am I a dumb commish for letting these trades go through? I think I might be. What do you think?

B.B.: One disclaimer on this one ... this question was submitted prior to Mark breaking his elbow. That said, these transactions aren't outrageous. But if you really thought the deals were one-sided, the baseball gods got their revenge with Prior's setback.

Bryan Beagan Quincy, Mass.: I have been offered either Brad Lidge or Keith Foulke for Wade Miller. My starting rotation is Dontrelle Willis, Jason Schmidt, Chris Carpenter, Kerry Wood, Jose Contreras, Jaret Wright and Wade Miller. My bullpen consists of Eddie Guardado, Chad Cordero and Derrick Turnbow. Our league consists of four starters and two relievers. It seems Lidge would be the more reasonable choice of the two, but with the uncertainty of closers, should I lose Miller to strengthen my bullpen?

B.B.: Miller has looked great in all but one of his starts since coming off the DL and could prove to be a savior for the Red Sox. Considering Foulke's struggles this season, Lidge is clearly the better of the two options. But with the Astros struggling, his opportunities might be limited. Stick with Miller. Your three closers are fine.

Matt McCormick Peoria, Ill.: I am in an eight-man Head-to-Head league, where the best free-agent closer is Todd Jones. I have been offered Randy Johnson for Joe Nathan. This would still leave me with Mariano Rivera, Bob Wickman and Dustin Hermanson as my closers. I have good starting pitching, but it wouldn't hurt to add the Big Unit. What do you think?

B.B.: Any time you can add Randy Johnson straight up for a closer, even of Nathan's caliber, you have to make the deal. You still are left with three quality closers.

Jeff Manzer, Beaumont, Tex.: I have Mike Piazza as my starting catcher and Joe Mauer on my bench. Mauer is on fire, and Piazza isn't. I want to stick with Piazza, but Mauer seams to be the better choice. What to do?

B.B.: Piazza has better power numbers, but he's so feast or famine. Mauer is hitting roughly 60 points higher and projects better over the course of the season. Go with Mauer and hope Piazza doesn't breakout.

You can e-mail your Fantasy Baseball questions to bleacher@commissioner.com. Be sure to put Attn: Bleacher Banter in the subject field. Please include your full name, hometown and state. Be aware, due to the large volume of submissions received, we cannot guarantee personal responses or answers to all questions.