reports that the Wizardsare developing a crush on Kansas forward Thomas Robinson with their third pick in this month's draft. 

The Wizards might be tempted to reach for the poster boy of my "high-risk, high-reward" category, Connecticut big man Andre Drummond, and let him develop behind veteran center Nene. But the JaVale McGee experiment never paid off like they hoped in the three-plus years leading to his trade with Denver for Nene, so dont be surprised if they pass on him. Im told the Wizards are big fans of Robinson, who could make an immediate impact in the frontcourt.

via Anthony Davis, Michael Kidd-Gilchrist lead way - Sam Amick -

The Wizards are in a bit of a spot with the third pick. They have needs all over, but the question is if they go with a scoring gaurd in shooter Bradley Beal, a board-crashing wing defender in Michael Kidd-Gilchrist, an athletic freak with attitude issues in Andre Drummond, or the size and athleticism of non-elite but well-polished Thomas Robinson.

Robinson brings in a high-character approach to the power forward spot, something they'll need, and could develop as a super-quality rebounder, something they'll need with Nene on the floor.

The Wizards need to go with a more business-like approach to their roster after the nonsense of McGee and Andray Blatche. Robinson is a good step in that position.