While substitute referees provided a one-game lead in the standings for the Bears over the Green Bay Packers, no one at Halas Hall on Thursday was sorry to see the regular refs back in business.

"Getting those guys back, I mean, I think it's just going to clean up the game," QB Jay Cutler said. "Games are going to move along. The indecision is going to go away, which I think is the biggest thing you see across the league is just the indecisiveness."

The only real complaints the Bears had during the reign of replacement refs was that some chippy play was allowed in the win over St. Louis, and a few hits on Cutler went unpunished.

Guard Roberto Garza agreed that the replacement refs probably let offensive linemen get away with holding more on pass protection. But he also said familiarity with regular officiating crews makes it easy for offensive linemen to know their limits within the rules.

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"You know the groups and you know what they call and what they don’t call and what you can get away with," he said. "We know whoever calls the game. We have an understanding of what’s going on and what those guys are willing to let you get away with."

WR Brandon Marshall actually tossed the departing refs a bouquet.

"I have a lot of compassion for those (replacement) refs," he said. "When you take guys like that and throw them in the fire so quickly, everyone's doggin' them. But that's tough, man. So I'm glad it's over but, at the same time, those guys did the best they could do, and I appreciate that."

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