On Thursday afternoon, Jabar Gaffney's Twitter account drew a lot of attention thanks to comments he made about Lito Sheppard three days ago ... and some more he made about his wife on Thursday.

We'll go ahead and assume that at some point he'll claim he was hacked (early favorites are Pierre Garcon and Josh Morgan!) and apologize. Or maybe not -- this was some #RealTalk about Gaffney's soon-to-be-ex-wife.

See for yourself:

We clipped out a couple of @ replies in between the tweet about Lito and the anniversary tweet, simply for the sake of condensing the already large size of this photo.

If you're hanging out in the Jacksonville (904), Orlando (407) or Northern Virginia (703) areas, and you happen to see Jabar Gaffney, feel free to let him know what you think of his Twitter rant. Or don't. We'd suggest don't.

Also, ladies, if you're looking for a single man with a "black heart" and "dead soul," well, just wait a few weeks, because you're in luck.