Rookie OLB Miles Burris, a fourth-round pick from San Diego State, has worked with the first team defense throughout training camp, filling in for injured starter Aaron Curry. Burris will be in the staring lineup Monday night against Dallas when he makes his NFL debut.

Considering that Curry is in Los Angeles having his injured knees examined by a specialist and is on the PUP list, Burris could well open the regular season in the starting lineup on the weak side.

How has the growth process been helped by getting all these reps with Curry out?

Burris: “I think it’s been pretty big. Running with the first team, it’s brought me along pretty quick. I’ve been learning a lot. All the breaks we get, just staying in the playbook and watching some film. A lot of the old guys are really good with just talking it up when we’re out on the field, and that helps (me) learn, just through experience, different situations and sets that you have to adjust to, and when we talk it up you learn more.”

Is this kind of surreal for you? You come in as a fourth-round pick and you’re running with the first team and now you’re about to start in the first preseason game.

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Burris: “I’m just taking it for what it is, and I know it’s a big deal, but I just got to take it one play at a time, one play at a time every play. I don’t let my mind go through how surreal it is or that I’ve arrived, because I haven’t. I haven’t played a play yet. I’ve got to go get it done and prove a lot of things.”

What are the things you think you have to answer for yourself in a game?

Burris: “I just have to go prove them right for picking me. And, you know, playing the way that I play the game, and that’s as hard as I can play, and try to make plays and be consistent like coach (Dennis) Allen talked about. Jst prove that I can play in the NFL and run with anybody.”

Guys talk about the speed of the game being the biggest difference when they come to the NFL. When you’re heading into your first game and you’re trying to take it play by play, is it tough to do when everything’s happening so fast?

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Burris: “A little bit, but it’s just like jumping up to a new level. You have to adapt quick, and if you don’t then you won’t be in there. But it’s been good. A lot of the old guys are helping me out and helping all the young guys out, helping us adjust to that level. Communication is the biggest thing, and I think our defense does a pretty good job with that.”

Is middle linebacker Rolando McClain a guy that’s really helping you, being next to you?

Burris: “Definitely. He’s got a really smart football mind. He keeps his communication going with me a whole bunch and helps me get in the right place a lot of the time.  A lot of times we’re going to have to work together on certain man coverages or this that and the other. He’s done a great job out on the field there with me, and I let him know, ‘Hey, thanks man, I appreciate that.’”

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