Wednesday's round of CBA talks proved to be yet another disappointment as the NHL once again seemed to come away unimpressed with an offer from the NHLPA.

It's frustrating for all parties -- including one fan who tried to crash commissioner Gary Bettman's press conference -- and emotions are running high. There is also a lot of nonsensical behavior out there, and from some rather unexpected places.

Let's take for example former NHL player Jeff O'Neil, who is apparently tired of seeing and hearing Bettman speak to the media, and made his displeasure known on his personal (and verified) Twitter account.

Provided is a screen grab in case common sense prevails and the Tweet eventually gets deleted (and we imagine it will):

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That, of course, is a reference to the "make whole" portion of the ongoing labor talks.

And well, you don't really need much of an imagination when you read it.

Detroit Red Wings defenseman Ian White made headlines last week when he referred to Bettman as an "idiot," and faced quite a bit criticism for it because it added nothing of value to the negotiations (White also later said that he regretted using that term and that there was no place for it). 

This offers even less value, especially when it comes from a guy who hasn't played in the NHL since the 2006-07 season and is no longer a part of the NHLPA.

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This also isn't the first time a player -- active or retired -- said something that ridiculous regarding Bettman during a labor dispute. A couple of months ago we passed along the old video from the 1994-95 lockout that featured Chris Chelios talking about how perhaps Bettman should be worried about his well-being and his family, and that some crazed fan or player could take it into their own hands to get him out of the way. 

If you're keeping score at home: Wednesday marked the 67th day of the NHL lockout. There remains no end in sight.

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