Buffalo Sabres forward Patrick Kaleta had an in-person hearing with the NHL on Tuesday for a hit he delivered on Columbus' Jack Johnson last week and the result was a massive 10-game suspension.

Kaleta avoided a penalty on the play and Johnson didn't have any injury issues but this proves once again those aren't the only factors that go into play. It was a suspendable offense as Brendan Shanahan points out.

But it's a severe 10 games because Kaleta is a repeat offender. He's more than a repeat offender it seems, he's been suspended three times prior and has also been fined three more times before this incident. Shanahan has always been tougher on repeat players, hoping that the message will get through ahd change the behavior of players to try and get these plays out of the game.

As a result of the suspension -- which is already two games in as Kaleta was suspended indefinitely prior to his hearing -- Kaleta will forfeit $152,439.00 in salary as well.

So far this season the NHL has appeared to be swinging a bigger hammer in terms of supplemental discipline with this suspension being a big one for Kaleta. But really, especially when you see the "highlight reel" in the video above, it's hard to argue against sending more than a slap on the wrist to Kaleta at this point.