Early in the first period of Friday's Game 4 between the Coyotes and Predators, Phoenix defenseman Rostislav Klesla was given a two-minute for boarding Matt Halischuk.

He's lucky he didn't receive a major penalty, or worse, a game misconduct.

As you can see on the video posted below, Klesla actually grabbed the back of Halischuk's jersey prior to the hit, and then shoved him face-first into the boards directly in front of the Phoenix bench.

I have little doubt that had Halischuk remained on the ice following the hit Klesla's night would be over and he might even be hearing from the NHL. But because Halischuk was able to return to the game it remained a two-minute minor and this is probably the last we'll hear about it.

In the world of NHL discipline the result of the play (whether or not there is an injury) seems to be one of -- if not the most -- important variables.

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