Luke Scott

Rays DH Luke Scott has long been, shall we say, "promiscuous" with his opinions and controversial ways of getting a point across. So it comes as no surprise that he has a thing or two to say about Fenway Park in this, its 100th-anniversary season.

"I mean, it's old," Scott recently told's Bill Chastain. "It does have a great feel and nostalgia, but at the end of the day, I'd rather be at a good facility where I can get my work in. A place where I can go hit in the cage. Where I have space and it's a little more comfortable to come to work."

Scott continued: "You're packed in like sardines there. It's hard to get your work in. ... You have to go to their weight room if you want to lift. From a fan's perspective, it's probably pretty cool to go see a game at a historic park. But from a player's point of view, it's not a place where you want to go to work."

It's nothing too inflammatory on its face, but remember that Scott has already fired a shot or two across the bow at Red Sox Nation. If nothing else, he adds some spice to already spicy rivalry. Expect a commensurate response when Scott's name is called for the first time on Friday.

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