Nationals outfielder Reed Johnson participated in his first bit of game action since he tore a tendon in his first in April. Johnson played three innings of a rehab game with Class A Potomac on Thursday. 

The veteran outfielder, who started in left field on Thursday, went 0 for 2 before being lifted for a defensive replacement in the fourth inning. 

It is not yet clear when Johnson will be able to be activated from the disabled list, but it is possible that he joins the team when the rosters expand on September 1. 

"We’ll see how it plays out with how I’m feeling and stuff, but I know I’ve kept my body in good enough shape to where I don’t think it’ll take too long to get me back," Johnson said, per The Washington Post. "Obviously, they’re going to ease me into it. It’s just not the same as trying to duplicate that outside of a game is kind of tough."