Ever wonder what baseball players do on their days off on the road while their manager is back home apologizing on national TV?

Well, if you're Marlins relievers Ryan Webb and Steve Cishek, you do some sightseeing -- and movie making.

Here's the heartwarming tale of Webb's day off in Philadelphia on Tuesday.

"We saw the Liberty Bell, then went to the gift store and got some hats," Webb told Craig Davis of the Sun Sentinel. "Then we went to see the Rocky statue, ran up the steps, looked at some art."

The statue of Rocky is at the Phialdelphia Museum of Art. And while Cishek appears to have a future as a director (on the credits he's also listed as the film's editor, director of photography and casting director), Webb doesn't exactly sound like he has a future as an art critic. His opinion of the Vincent Van Gogh exhibit?

"It was very interesting," he told the paper. "A lot of the same stuff. He liked to paint wheat fields, apparently."

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