"You think I won't get my money, huh?" (Getty Images)

Kenyon Martin returned from China last year and made a big impact with the Clippers. He brought the usual toughness and rugged play that teams love in the playoffs and was a huge part of the Clippers' first-round win over the Grizzlies. At age 34, he's still able to rebound, can hit the occasional mid-range jumper and won't allow anyone to be soft on the floor or in the locker room. He's an acerbic personality, but he's still a useful veteran. 

He's also stubborn as all get-out. 

Martin remains on the free agency list after months and months. It's that awkward situation in which the player is convinced he's worth more than what's on the market, and the market is just as convinced otherwise. From MSG Network

Kenyon Martin is the player so many continue to link to the Knicks, but K-Mart has remained steadfast in not wanting to accept a veteran's minimum. A few teams have Martin on their radar, including the Celtics. While K-Mart provides more toughness and size to the team, the Knicks might not want to get locked in with a volatile player.

via Alan Hahn's post on New York Knicks | Latest updates on Sulia.

No one else is jumping at that chance, either. He's a handful. 

So what gives? Is Martin being unrealistic about what he's worth at this point? Well, yes and no. He's not worth that much now. But Martin can also chill out until someone gets injured, inevitably in training camp or early in the season, and then sign for more money because teams will be desperate. If you can afford to miss some time, and he can at this point, you can hold out and wait for someone to need you. Martin has until the playoff roster deadline next spring to find an offer that he finds acceptable. 

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He's going to wind up playing somewhere. It just depends on how much he wants chopped off his total money for the prorate on the season.