Harden got moved, folks got on Twitter. (Getty Images)

What NBA players said on Twitter Saturday night following the Thunder's trade of James Harden to Houston.

Well said, KD.

Finals competitors and everyone's chummy-chummy. I'm not saying they should hate each other's guts, but do they have to make the lack of a legitimate rivalry so apparent to the rest of us?

Apparently they do.

Pretty classy. You wonder if those guys will look back on today with a lot of regret, even though, you know, Cook had absolutely nothing to do with the decision.

Collison and Harden had the best combination on the Thunder's bench unit. Harden assisted Collison 30 times. Every other Thunder player not named Russell Westbook assisted Collison 35 times. He'll really miss the pick and roll with Harden.

Eric, KD already said that. Catch up.

I'm sure Lin will miss those guys after the long relationship he developed with them over the past 30 days.


Pau Gasol always responds the way I imagine my 14-year-old cousin responding to things on Twitter.

And that pretty much wraps it up.