Cleveland Browns WR Josh Cribbs walks off the field after a collision with Ravens LB Dannell Ellerbe that resulted in a concussion. (US Presswire)

Browns RB Josh Cribbs was talking up a storm to the media after practice Wednesday afternoon.

There is typically nothing unusual about that. But anyone who saw the veteran kickoff returner knocked out Thursday night in Baltimore would be surprised that he was back in action less than a week later or that he could speak with such clarity about the frightening incident.

Cribbs, in fact, said he had tried to talk his way back into the game after a collision with Ravens linebacker Dannell Ellerbe left him flat on his back for several minutes while players on both teams knelt in concern and prayer. Cribbs, who raised a few eyebrows when he stated that the hit didn't hurt, capsulized his feelings at that time with three words.

"I was scared," he said.

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He was scared then, but he stressed all of the negative emotions are gone as he prepares to return to the field Sunday against the Giants. 

"I love getting hit and I love giving hits," said Cribbs, who passed his concussion tests and was cleared for practice. "It's not something you can teach. I'm just not scared."

Cribbs added many of the Ravens players -- including Ellerbe -- messaged him this week to ask about his recovery.

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