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The Pittsburgh Steelers' offensive coordinator Matt Canada has been enduring a rough season. Despite its 4-2 record, the team has consistently posted underwhelming offensive numbers, ranking 31st in yards-per-game (273.5) and 27th in points-per-game (17.2). Pittsburgh fans have openly called for Canada to lose his job, most notably with "Fire Canada" chants during Pittsburgh Penguins games.

One person who might be able to help turn things around for the Steelers and Canada is wide receiver Diontae Johnson. After missing four weeks with a hamstring injury, Johnson returned for the team's win over the Los Angeles Rams last weekend. When asked about all the chants and criticism he's heard about Canada this season, Johnson came to the defense of his offensive coordinator.

"It sucks to hear because it's not like he's intentionally trying to f--- up," Johnson said on 'The Arthur Moats Experience with Deke.' "I just feel like it's my job to be that person he can talk to about stuff like that."

Johnson added that he tries to serve as a source of positivity for Canada by assuring him that the offensive players have his back.

"When I see the OC man, I can't do nothing but go over there and talk to him about certain stuff," Johnson said. "I try to take his mind off stuff like, 'I'm on your side at the end of the day. Don't listen to whatever they're saying out there. They're gonna say what they gotta say, but we're gonna make you look good.'"

Now that Johnson can help Canada on and off the field, maybe things really can turn around. Last weekend, Johnson and fellow wide receiver George Pickens combined for 10 catches and 186 yards. Maybe that combo is the spark Canada needs to get the Steelers rolling on that side of the ball and silence the chants.