David Booth and his newest trophy. (Getty Images)

Some players have elected to spend their free time during the lockout by going overseas to play. Others are spending more time at home with their families. Vancouver Canucks winger David Booth? He's spending his the same way he spent a good portion of the summer: hunting.

As you can see, Booth's latest conquest was a massive mountain goat -- looks more like a devilish albino bear than a goat to me. The proud tweet soon followed:

"There's only one trophy in the world harder to get than this... And I'm getting that next," Booth tweeted with the above picture attached.

Booth, who posted pictures of himself over the summer after killing a bear and an elk, drew headlines when a video was released of his killing of the bear. He was seen in the video using a baiting technique instead of a traditional hunting situation.

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I'm not the biggest hunter in the world -- OK, I'm not a hunter at all -- but I won't begrudge Booth's right to do it, even if it is a little unsettling for me. It seems kind of weird to have the goat looking right at the camera with its eyes open.

Anyway, hopefully the season will start soon so Booth can make good on his promise to make this next trophy the Stanley Cup. That's assuming he did mean the Cup and not Sasquatch, because I bet the latter would be much, much harder to get than the Cup.

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