Look what John Tortorella started. Well OK, I guess look what Brooks Orpik started with his knee-to-knee hit on Derek Stepan on Thursday night.

Late in the Penguins' win over the Rangers, Orpik connected with Stepan in open ice sending Stepan to the ice in pain, and Tortorella into a tirade after the game.

First to the news on Stepan before the juicy stuff. It looks like Orpik won't be suspended for the hit that caused the uproar. According to Newsday Rangers writer Steve Zipay there has been no hearing for Orpik set up and there won't be one.

Tortorella said he was anxious to see what the league was going to do about it. Well it looks like not much.

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But that was just part of his rant. Relive it now in all of its brief, glorious anger.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who Torts was alluding to by continually referring to those "two whining stars." No, not Deryk Engelland and Tyler Kennedy. Try Sidney Crosby and Evgeni Malkin.

And on Friday Crosby addressed the media after the Penguins' morning practice. Would you believe it that the topic of Tortorella's comments came up?

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"I vaguely heard what he said," Crosby said. "I figured he was just blowing up. I’m sure he’ll apologize today about it and everything will be forgotten."

Yes, yes. But did you hear the part where he more or less called you a whiner?

"I don’t know what he’s talking about. I mean, if you want you can put a camera on us all game, put a camera on [Ryan Callahan] all game. You’ll see who’s over there more. He should worry about his own players."

This is where I must interject and be fair to Tortorella. The angry rant was fueled by just that, his concern for his player Stepan. But I digress. Back to the drama.

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This is the second time in the span of a week that somebody has called out Crosby for something like this. You'll remember Mike Milbury took Crosby to task a bit and called him a punk after last week's chaotic ending against the Flyers. Where is it all coming from?

"It’s coming out of Philly, which has been coming out for seven years since I’ve been in the league," Crosby said. "I’ll be the first one to admit my first couple of years I was pretty hard on the refs. I’ve come a long way since then, but I’m nowhere near where I was then and to get those kinds of remarks every day is uncalled for and not warranted. I don’t really know how much I can say. I don’t need to sit here and defend myself for something that’s not going on, but if they want to try that garbage try it."

Again, pretty sure Tortorella just did try it.

Alright, one more from Crosby. When was it that he stopped whining about the officials anyway?

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"I think after a while you learn it’s a waste of your energy. It doesn’t help anything," he explained. "They’re not going to change their mind after penalties. Yelling isn’t really going to help. I think it’s just something with time you learn. It’s experience and I’m a pretty competitive guy, but you’ve got to learn to kind of control that sometimes and put your energy towards things that matter. That’s playing hockey.

"I think it’s been a gradual thing. There’s no doubt I’m emotional. There are times when I’m going to get fired up, but not enough to warrant all that. It’s nonsense. You can put a camera on me all game if you want. It’s not even close."

Root Sports and NBC have already covered that one in the past. Please don't make us have to sit through more picture-in-picture just to watch you, Sid.

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Alright, so we already know that the first-round matchup with the Flyers is going to be great. Those two teams don't like each other, we know. But now is it too much to ask that the Penguins and Rangers run into each other at some point also?

If you want to watch the entire Crosby interview, have at it.

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