Taiwanimation has returned to hockey, and there was much rejoicing!

At least I think so. Then again, the popular and funny NMA.TV usually only puts things into animation when they enter the realm of absurd. And, well, the violence in the playoffs has been so absurd that it even brought out CBSSports.com's own Gregg Doyel to write about hockey.

Why wait any longer? To the animation we go!

The highlight? Forget the organs and blood flying, players turning into actual penguins or Brendan Shanahan issuing suspensions on the spot instead of 48 hours later. It has to be Raffi Torres and his rocket skates. No wonder why he took off to hit Marian Hossa, I didn't notice those on the initial replays.

On the flashback tour, the last time hockey got the Taiwanimation treatment was after the Stanley Cup Final and Vancouver went rioting. Revisit that one for a good laugh.

H/t to Puck Daddy

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