Rain delays during a baseball game are typically frustrating and insufferable to begin with, but imagine if you took away the rain and substituted it with an onslaught of bees instead? Absolute nightmare.

Unfortunately, it's a scenario that Angels and Rangers players had to suffer through on Sunday afternoon in Anaheim when bees decided to crash the party. During the fifth inning, massive swarms of bees descended upon the bullpens at Angel Stadium, doing their best to wreak havoc on the scene. 

Some players -- like Texas reliever Kyle Bird -- tried to ignore the swarm and go about their business. That proved to be difficult. Others, meanwhile, decided to craft some makeshift beekeeper uniforms to minimize their risk of being stung.

Eventually the bees caused enough of a stir that the game had to be delayed so that the situation could be sorted out. Luckily, the stoppage was relatively brief and the damage was limited. As someone who has seen 'My Girl,' it's important to not take the threat of bees lightly. 

This certainly isn't the first time that an army of insects has taken over a baseball game, and it likely won't be the last. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to get any less unsettling with each passing occurrence.