Here it is a week after the fact and Hurricane (I won't call it Superstorm) Sandy is still leaving its impact on the New York. People who can have been doing their best to help out the relief efforts. You can count a few New York Rangers among them.

Even though the Rangers aren't playing (and most probably aren't even in the New York area), they're still trying to do their part to help.

Take Vezina Trophy-winning goaltender Henrik Lundqvist, for example. He has offered to auction his helmet from last season with the money going to the victims of the storm. Assuming they can get at least a little stink out of the mask (seriously, those things reek worse than a full Dumpster outside a McDonald's in the middle of the summer), it can probably fetch a pretty penny.

Lundqvist sent out more details, including a link to bid on the helmet. It's going up for auction for three weeks and has an opening bid of $10,000. So if you need a little time to get the money together for a bid. ...

It's not only the helmet of arguably the best goalie in the NHL (and it's a very good argument) but it's also a pretty nice helmet asthetically, complete with the Statue of Liberty imagery.

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Lundqvist isn't alone in trying to help. Brad Richards, who has been spending the lockout down in his old stomping grounds of Tampa Bay, is going to fly up to the tri-state area and do his part to pitch in. Having played for the Lightning in Tampa, he knows full well about hurricanes and the devastation they can bring (via SNY Rangers).

The Islanders and Devils have also been helping out through their twitter feeds not only with important information but assisting in the relief efforts.

Good on these players (and the many others who have helped) for taking the opportunity to aid in the efforts to recover from the storm, one that greatly affected many of their team's fans, particularly when they are dealing with the lockout and are temporarily out of work. It's an easy time to be selfish.

Hockey players are tough SOBs, but when you get them off the ice, they are generally some of, if not the nicest athletes you'll find around. It's good to see these guys using their stature to help out any way they can.

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